Monday, September 16, 2024
Main > News > The wife of Abish Kekilbaev visited Zhubanov University

The wife of Abish Kekilbaev visited Zhubanov University

Today, at Zhubanov University was held the meeting with the People’s Writer of Kazakhstan, state and public figure, the wife of the first Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Abish Kekilbaev, Klara Zhumabaeva. The head of the oblast educational department Lyazzat Urazbayeva also took part in the meeting.

The first witness of all the creations of the endless talent of A. Kekilbaev, Klara Kalekenovna also visited the renovated cabinet of the great writer, which is located in the main building of Zhubanov University. The vice-Rector of Science and Innovation of Zhubanov University Rakhim Beknazarov, made a short excursion for the guest at the renovated conference halls in the main building.

Klara Zhumabaeva, expressed her great gratitude and presented the first volume of Abish Kekilbayev’s encyclopedia. All participants of the meeting had the opportunity to take the photo for memory with the guest.