On the eve of the 150th anniversary of Aktobe city and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Kudaibergen Zhubanov, is planned “Zhubanovtar shanyragy” megaproject.
Employees of the university and representatives of the Regional Department of Inter Policy, Aktobe Musical College named after A. Zhubanov, memorial museum of Zhubanov Brothers of Mugalzhar district, the cultural center “Zhubanovtar alemi”, akimat of rural district named after K. Zhubanov, children’s music school named after A. Zhubanov and secondary schools named after K. Zhubanov and A. Zhubanov of Mugalzhar district gathered at the discussion of the large-scale project.
The main objective of the workshop is to identify the tasks and make proposals to the organization of the megaproject.
“Within the framework of the Year of Youth announced by the President of the country, our university plans to organize a megaproject dedicated to the representatives of Zhubanov family,” said Nurzhan Berdybaev, vice rector of Zhubanov University for social and educational issues, in his opening remarks.
In turn, the director of the department of social issues and youth policy of the Zhubanov University Karlygash Satybaldina announced a list of activities planned to be held together with representatives of the above institutions. Therefore, it is planned to hold scientific conferences, exhibitions, concerts, festivals and events. “This list is not final, in this regard, we ask you to make your ideas and suggestions to this project,” addressed Karlygash Turataevna to the participants of the meeting.
The participants unanimously supported the organization of this project and, during the discussion, made their proposals on organizing of “Zhas Zhubanovshylar” competition, celebrating the 90th anniversary of Eset Zhubanov, holding a republican aytys competition among students, a fair on Zhubanov Brothers Street, organizing the Zhubanov Alley, shooting a documentary of Zhubanov, on the assignment of the name of Eset Zhubanov to secondary school No. 38 of Aktobe, continuation of the series of “Zhubanov Library” (collection of
collections), inviting the great-grandson of the world famous conductor Ahmet Zhubanov Alan Buribaev to their homes, sports and scientific activities for students and promoting the name and creativity of Akyrap Zhubanov.
The submitted proposals will be reviewed, after which the project plan will be approved. The megaproject “Zhubanovtar Shanyragy” is planned to be held in April of the current year.