Today, words of pride for their country and gratitude for conscientious work, contribution to the development of education and strengthening the independence of the country sounded from the stage of the Palace of Students. Zhubanov University honored veterans, the best teachers and students.
The solemn event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic brought together several generations of people who are not indifferent to the history, present and future of Kazakhstan. As Rector Laura Karabasova noted, each of the employees and students of Zhubanov University participates in the development and promotion of the university, both at the national and international levels.
Laura Karabasova congratulated the public figure, professor of the University of Zhubanov Amangeldy Aitaly, who was awarded the honorary Order “Barys” II degree by the 30th anniversary of Independence and Professor Khalel Kusainov, who was awarded the Order “Kurmet”, as well as colleagues who received the medal “Kazakhstan Tauelsizdigine 30 zhyl”, including Konstantin Tskhai, Kuanyshbek Shunkeev, Rahim Beknazarov, Mira Baltymova, Akhmet Murzagaliyev.
At the solemn ceremony, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Umbetkhan Sarsembin was presented with a letter of thanks on behalf of the Minister of Education and Science. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Igor Spivak-Lavrov and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nurgazy Saukhanov were awarded Kudaibergen Zhubanov medals. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Nurzhamal Mukeeva — medals of the veteran of labor of Zhubanov University. In addition, a number of teachers and staff received letters of thanks from the rector.
The peers of Independence, teachers who came to work at the university in the year of Independence, and those who defended their academic degrees in 1991, received memorable gifts in honor of the holiday.
Young people were not left without attention either. The university management congratulated the young Zhubanovites who will multiply the achievements of the country. 17 students who distinguished themselves in studies, sports, art, public life received the title of “Uzdik student”, another 30 representatives of student organizations became the best in the nomination “Zhyl uzdigi-2021”.
Vocalists and dancers of the professional and creative faculty, student choir and orchestra of Zhubanov University performed for the guests of the evening.